Then & Now

Born in NYC, moved to rural NJ shortly thereafter. Early schooling (formal and informal) led to a variety of scientific and artistic interests. Early 60s: Princeton, Columbia; ’66 - ’72: teaching at School of the Arts (NJ), Norwalk Community College (Conn.), left US, taught high school in Almonte, ON, t.a. at York U., married, taught high school in Nfld., separated (followed by divorce); ’72 - ’85: resumed life in Toronto, pursued music, acquired taxi license (driving intermittently over the years); ’85 - ’90: remarried, became a father, continued music, taxi driving (later courier - walker/metropasser); ’90 - present: began studying Wu-style Tai Chi Chu’an, worked for GEnie (BBS assistant sysop), attended the Rochester Forth Conference, worked for Dundurn Press (math formatting, ed. corrections input); also Prentice Hall (ISP survey completion, supplementary writing), Colborne Communications (tables inputter), PCL Industrial Systems Ltd. (embedded system enhancements), Microtronix Systems Ltd. (development system planning); Jan. '99 - : Toronto Linux User Group website maintenance; May ’99 - late '00: adapting an SGI->Linux port of a graphics package (assistant on a project for Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children); Nov. - Dec. '02: marking Ont. literacy exams. Sept. '03 - '06: participating in Improvisers Pool (music); Sept. '04 - '07: teaching at Music Trends Teaching Studios. '08, etc.: My main current activities are photography, improvised music, computer programming.

I retired a while ago; recently a grandfather ...